How To Treat A Common Cold

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What is a Cold?

A cold is a viral infection that affects a person’s ears and nose. There are about 200 viruses that can turn into a cold, therefore, it is hard to determine when a person gets a cold. In most instances, colds are not regarded as a serious illness and are usually gone within a few days. Kids aged below three years old are more prone to colds than adults and older children due to a weak immune system.

A cold is a viral infection that affects a person’s ears and nose. There are about 200 viruses
A cold is a viral infection that affects a person’s ears and nose. There are about 200 viruses

Transmission of Colds

Colds are normally transmitted when the virus is spread through the air. For instance, if somebody were to sneeze or cough, and someone else comes into contact with this, they will pick the virus up when breathing in air. If someone has touched their mouth, eyes, and ears the virus can also be spread that way. You will notice that colds are more prevalent at schools and daycares because of all the kids that are present. Normally a virus can live up to 18 hours, which is why cold viruses are so easily transmitted.

Signs of a Cold

There are various signs you can look out for to determine whether you or someone you know has a cold. These signs can consist of:

  • A painful and swollen throat
  • Consistent coughing
  • A high fever
  • Sneezing
  • Nose might be congested and runny

These symptoms can carry on for up to 10 days, which is dependent on how quickly the immune system fights the virus. Kids who have a high fever or have a discharge of mucus should be taken for a check-up with their GP.

Speak To Your GP

In most instances, adults normally do home treatment and think a trip to the GP would be a waste of time. However, if you have a pre-existing medical condition that has become worse because of the cold, you should speak to your GP. Kids who are three years and younger might need to be examined by their GP to make sure this does not affect their chest.  Take your child to the doctor is they experience any of the following:

  • Complications with their breathing
  • Headaches that become worse
  • A fever that doesn’t get better even after taking medication
  • They constantly vomit

Make an appointment with your GP if your child has any of the above symptoms.

How To Treat A Common Cold

There is no specific medication that helps colds. Many studies suggest plenty of liquids and rest is the best type of cure. There are certain meds you can chat to your GP about which can ease the symptoms, particularly for kids. You can use painkillers to help reduce a fever.

 Related Video On Colds


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