First Aid for Fatal Poisons

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Any substance that causes damage, sickness or loss if it comes into contact with the body is called a poison. These positions can be in the form of solids, gas, or fluids. If chemicals are consumed they can cause massive damage in the digestive tract and can even be led to the bloodstream causing other issues within the body.
Many harmful chemicals found in the home such as dishwasher chemicals and peroxide are often combined with other medications and can cause severe poisons that lead to becoming very ill. The level of illness will depend on what type of chemical or poison has been consumed.

Any substance that causes damage, sickness or loss if it comes into contact with the body is called a poison. These positions can be in the form of solids, gas, or fluids.
Any substance that causes damage, sickness or loss if it comes into contact with the body is called a poison. These positions can be in the form of solids, gas, or fluids.

If you or somebody you know has consumed or inhaled a poison, and you or they have severe indications or symptoms (queasiness, nausea, pain, difficulty breathing, seizure, bewilderment, or unusual skin color), you need to phone an emergency center immediately.

The Ways in which Poisons Can Enter the Body

There are several ways in which poisons enter the body. These include:
• Through the digestive system and oral cavity
• Vapors inhaled
• Absorbing the poison through the skin
• Inserting this through the skin

The signs and symptoms that may be present when the poison enters the body include:
• Stomach pain
• Unconsciousness
• Convulsions
• Trouble breathing
• Nausea or queasiness

How to Help

1. Always look for hazards that may be around the person
You cannot help someone if you are affected by the same hazard. Thus, take the time to look around, and if needed, move the person somewhere safer. Make a note of what may have caused this reaction to give to paramedics.
2. How aware is the person?
You will want to see if they are conscious, if not, then note how they are breathing. You may need to make sure that the person’s airways are clear. Then call paramedics. If the person is conscious, be sure to help them with burns or the like, talking to them and keeping them calm is also a good idea.
3. Call the Position Control Center
If you believe that someone has been poisoned, it is best to call the Poison Control Center to find out what first aid you should administer.
In unique position situations, such as when the person inhales the position, you need to ensure that you are moving the person to clean air as soon as possible. Not only to help them but to ensure that you are not affected. You will then want to ensure that you are looking at their awareness level and doing basic first aid. In most cases, inhalation will require medical treatment as each case is slightly different.


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