Controlling Your Asthma

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Asthma can be scary. However, you can control this. But, you do have to take an active role in your health. There are several aspects that go into effectively managing your asthma. You will want to work with your doctor on finding a plan that works for you. Effective asthma management necessitates that you regularly track your symptoms and measure how well your lungs are functioning. This info can be used to regulate your asthma treatment.

Work with your Doctor

Asthma can be scary to have. However, you can control this. But, you do have to take an active role in your health. There are several aspects that go into effectively managing your asthma.
Asthma can be scary to have. However, you can control this. But, you do have to take an active role in your health. There are several aspects that go into effectively managing your asthma.

It cannot be stressed enough that you need to work with your doctor on this and look at controlling asthma as a partnership. This means that you are going to want to talk to your doctor about several aspects including:

  • What are your goals and how do you wish to achieve these?
  • Have a written action plan and know how to use it
  • Discuss all medications that you are taking and know the specifics about each medicine
  • Show your doctor how the medicine is being taken
  • Look at what your asthma triggers are and discuss these with the doctor
  • Address any concerns that you may have as well as ask the doctor questions

You doctor is going to work with you on all of these aspects. However, it is up to you to ensure that you are being honest about all these aspects so that the doctor can alter the plan to fit your individuals wants and desires.

Track your Symptoms

Make a list of your symptoms and journalize your asthma every day. Taking note of your symptoms can help you identify when you have to make adjustments to your treatment. Use your asthma journal to note down:

  • Lack of breath or shrieking sounds when you breathe out (panting)
  • Uneasy sleep caused by lack of breath, coughing or breathlessness
  • Chest tautness or pain
  • Asthma while exercising
  • Fluctuations in color of mucus you cough up
  • Symptoms of hay fever such as a runny nose or sneezing
  • Anything that appears to activate asthma symptoms


One of the key ways to stop your asthma and to get this under better control is to ensure that you are working with your doctor. Your doctor should be fully in control of the situation and be ready to make changes or the like if needed. This may require seeing your doctor on a very regular basis, however, to truly succeed in controlling your asthma, you are going to need to do this. It may also mean changing your lifestyle habits, but if this stops the asthma, these changes are well worth it.

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