First Aid Certification in Calgary

First Aid Certification in Calgary
First Aid Certification in Calgary

Calgary First Aid offers the best training for first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillation (AED), food safety, workplace safety and re-certification training in Calgary. It is  the largest provider of first aid certifications in Calgary. Other courses on safety such as food safety, fire hazards, and even pet first aid are also available for participants. Training courses for CPR are divided into 3 levels: “A”, “C”, and “HCP”, all can be inclusive of  first aid. Popular first aid courses include standard and childcare first aid. Low prices, multiple training locations, experienced teachers and friendly customer service representatives  You can be assured of top tier education for the lowest rates imaginable.

Enrol Into a Course Here

Contact Details about First Aid Certification in Calgary

Enrolment with Calgary First Aid is incredibly easy. Most trainees complete their registration online, but enrolment through e-mail, telephone call, or walk-ins at the training centers are also available. Use the following contact information to register for a course or to inquire about training with this Alberta OH&S approved provider.

  • Telephone Number: 587.774.5317
  • Email Address:
  • Website Address:
  • Main Training Location: Suite 102, 750 – 11th Street SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3N7

Calgary First Aid is conveniently located across the street from a new C-Train station. There is free parking nearby and the training center is conveniently located just outside Downtown Calgary, in a high-end building. View the map below for more information on the training center location.

Rates of First Aid Certification in Calgary

Calgary First Aid offers its prospective trainees that lowest rates for all its training courses. The classes are affordable and you can be assured that there will be no “invisible expenses” during your training, as all costs incurred are clearly itemized. The rates at which courses are offered are inclusive of certification, and St Mark James registration fees. If ever a trainee is unable to successfully complete a training course, he or she may continue taking the training course for no additional cost, as part of the “no pressure” contract.

  • Emergency First Aid and CPR – 94.99
  • Emergency Childcare First Aid and CPR – 89.99
  • Standard Childcare First Aid and CPR – 134.99
  • Standard First Aid and CPR – 124.99


A large  collection of classes are available for enrollment. Lessons are made available throughout the week, at various times. All training courses are available in a single month. Training courses come in 3 levels: CPR Level “A” which offers basic CPR and AED training for adult and child victims, CPR Level “C” which offers basic CPR and AED training for adult, child, and infant victims, along with basic first aid, and CPR Level “HCP” which offers comprehensive CPR and AED training for health-care providers. CPR training classes follow the latest Basic Life Support (BLS) Guidelines released by the American Heart Association, a portion of which can be seen in the following video.

Stand-alone classes

Stand-alone classes that focus on one topic such as basic first aid or CPR and AED training only are available to trainees who do not wish to complete the entire training course. Other stand-alone classes focus mainly on safety such as classes on food safety and pet first aid. One of Calgary First Aid’s classes is on fire hazards, which usually occur in the home and may lead to devastating burn injuries. An introduction to this topic can be watched in the video below, and is part of the basic first aid training course.

Private classes

Private classes are usually offered to large groups such as companies who wish to train on a particular schedule for a particular amount of time. These classes may also be taken by trainees who cannot enroll in any of the regular class schedules.

Refresher courses

All training courses are overseen by the St Mark James and offer certification upon completion. A certificate for first aid, CPR, and AED valid for 3 years is given to trainees who are able to finish their chosen training course. For renewal of expiring or near-expiry certificates, refresher courses are offered by Calgary First Aid at least twice a week. Refresher courses have a generally lighter course load than regular courses.

Facilities and Equipment

The training center is very well-maintained, with high-end equipment and materials for basic first aid training. All classrooms are spacious and air-conditioned to provide maximum comfort for the best learning experience. All materials used during training is included in the training course rates paid upon enrollment.

Staff and Trainers

St Mark James First Aid Course in Calgary
St Mark James First Aid Course in Calgary

The team of trainers at Calgary First Aid are without a doubt the best in their fields of expertise. Trainers are welcoming and patient with trainees, and are easily approachable. If you have any questions regarding the lesson, don’t hesitate to ask.

Enrollment for First Aid Certification in Calgary

Calgary First Aid features 3 very easy techniques for enrollment. Prospective trainees can enroll with the application form below, e-mail, a telephone call, or walk-ins at the training centers.

Earn your St Mark James first aid and CPR certification with Calgary First Aid!

On-line application form to Calgary First Aid is available below.

    Your First and Last Name (required)

    Your Street Address (required)

    Your City (required)

    Your Province (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Please Contact Me Via:


    I am interested in the following first aid certification course: (please select one)

    Emergency First Aid and CPRStandard Childcare First Aid and CPREmergency Childcare First Aid and CPRStandard First Aid and CPR

    Which level of CPR training do you want to partner with Standard or Emergency First Aid (childcare first aid must come with CPR level "B")?

    CPR level "A"CPR level "C"CPR level "HCP"

    On which day of the week would you like to take this course?

    MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySaturdayMonday, Tuesday & Wednesday Evening

    Additional Information (optional)

    We adhere to strict policy and safety guidelines with your personal information. Your information will not be released to any third parties.

    Your registration will be sent to Calgary First Aid. They will respond to your registration request within 1 business hour.

    Did You Know?

    Managing Bronchial Asthma

    To manage a bronchial asthma attack, a rescuer must do the following:

    1. To address the narrowed airways, use short-acting bronchodilators (usually in an asthma inhaler) or perform nebulization.
    2. Deep-breathing exercises
    3. Assume a comfortable position
    4. Activity management to prevent another attack
    5. Promote fluid intake

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