When registering for a first aid certification course candidates usually have the option of selecting what CPR Level’s training they can have partnered with the course. Course fees will likely increase as candidates select a higher level of CPR training. This page describes what is included in the four different CPR levels and what courses offer them. All of our St Mark James Training providers provide CPR training and can be found here.
Available St Mark James CPR Level’s
CPR level “A”
This CPR level is the most basic CPR level provided through the major first aid and CPR providers. It teaches candidates CPR techniques for adult and child victims. Included in the course is training in the use of automated external defibrillators (AED). Candidates will also learn how to recognize and treat victims that are choking and conscious or unconscious. This CPR level can be offered through emergency first aid and standard first aid. It comes standard with emergency first aid.
CPR level “B”
This is a obsolete CPR level. Changes in 2005 to the CPR standards have made adult and child CPR techniques almost identical. Prior to the changes CPR level “A” only included CPR techniques on adults and CPR level “B” involved CPR techniques on adults and children. As the two CPR techniques merged into one CPR level “B” became obsolete as the material is now all covered in CPR level “A”. This CPR level is still included in child care first aid courses which are only taught exclusively through St Mark James providers.
CPR level “C”
This is the most popular and comprehensive CPR level offered through the major first aid providers. It comes standard with standard first aid. This CPR level includes all of CPR level “A” plus CPR techniques for infant victims. This CPR level can be partnered with emergency first aid. Stand-alone CPR level “C” re-certification courses are available through the majority of first aid and CPR providers.
CPR level “C” for health care providers (also known as CPR “HCP”)
This CPR level is typically only partnered with standard first aid courses. It teaches candidates all of the material and topics covered in CPR level “C” but adds additional health care components such as how to do 2 person CPR, pulse checks and use a bag-valve mask. This course is designed for candidates that want to or already work in the health care industry. Stand-alone CPR “HCP” re-certification courses are available through the majority of first aid and CPR providers.
It is important for candidates to know which CPR level they are required to have when registering for a first aid course. Talk to your employer or school administrator to determine which CPR training you need.