Standard first aid courses are the most popular and comprehensive basic first aid and CPR courses offered through the major providers. It includes all of the first aid offered through other, more basic, first aid courses and adds additional first aid and CPR information and training. This course typically takes 2 days to complete and gives candidates an option of the CPR training they would like included. Register for a standard first aid certification course in your area by clicking here.
Standard First Aid and CPR Certification Course Content
Candidates enrolled in this course will learn a variety of different first aid topics. The following is a list of some of the topics covered in a standard first aid certification course:
- CPR for adult, child and infant victims.
- Choking rescues for adult, child and infant victims.
- Priority action approach to rescuing victims.
- Vital checks while aiding victims.
- Victims that are having a seizure.
- Victims of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and heat cramps.
- Poisons and contacting poison control.
- Victims of cold including hypothermia and frost bite.
- Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, angina and transient ischemic attacks.
- Respiratory emergencies including asthma, anaphylaxis, aspiration and hyperventilation.
- Broken bones dislocations and fractures.
- Sudden medical emergencies.
- Deadly bleeding, amputations and embedded objects.
- Burns including 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree.
- Victims of sprains and strains.
- Head and spine injuries.
- Victims of shock.
Length of Certification Course
The Standard first aid courses take approximately 14 to 18 hours to complete. The length of the course varies depending on the level of CPR, students and ultimately the teacher.
Varying levels of CPR Training
Candidates can opt for a a variety of different CPR level’s to partner the standard first aid course. The following is a list of CPR courses that can partner standard first aid:
- CPR level “A”
- CPR level “C”
- CPR level “C” for health care providers (CPR HCP)
For more information on what the different CPR level’s entail select the CPR levels from the main or side menu.
Cost of the Course:
The cost of this Standard first aid courses vary in price depending on the provider, your location and the level of CPR training included. Prices vary from 120 to 185 dollars.
Standard First Aid Certification Course Registration:
To register for a St Mark James standard first aid certification course select the course of your choosing from the main or side menu. You will be directed to a site specific to that course where you can select your location and then the date, time and CPR level. Register for a standard first aid certification course today!