It’s usual to feel nervous when facing a perplexing situation, such as a job interview, a hard exam, or a date.
But if your doubts and fears seem overpowering and affect your daily life, you might be experiencing an anxiety disorder.
There are several different kinds of anxiety disorders—and numerous treatments and self-help approaches.
Once you comprehend your anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to decrease your symptoms and reclaim control of your life.
Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Once you comprehend your anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to decrease your symptoms and reclaim control of your life.
Anxiety is the body’s normal reaction to threats, an involuntary alarm that goes off when you feel endangered, under stress, or are facing a traumatic situation.
With self-control, anxiety isn’t always a negative thing. Actually, anxiety can assist you by remaining vigilant and motivated, spur you to action, and inspire you to solve difficulties.
But when anxiety is persistent or overpowering, when it obstructs your relations and activities, it stops being practical.
Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety
In addition to the main symptoms of unreasonable and unnecessary anxiety and worry, other standard emotional symptoms of anxiety are:
Feelings of uneasiness or terror;
Trouble focusing;
Feeling edgy and jittery;
Expecting the worst;
Agitation; and
Looking for signs of danger.
Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety
Because of the many physical symptoms, anxiety victims often mix-up their disorder for a medical complaint.
They might visit several doctors and make several trips to the hospital before their anxiety disorder is detected.
Standard Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety Comprise of:
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