You may be all enthusiastic when exercising, but there are a number of things that you must consider in your regimen, especially when it comes to fitness first aid strategies. There are numerous factors that contribute to keeping fit, and first aid techniques are an important facet of it all. Even though minor injuries can easily be addressed, it is important to know when to seek medical attention as this could be the difference between a bruise and an infection with debilitating effects. To put this in perspective, it is best to avoid the injuries as opposed to hoping for quick recovery. Here are some of the strategies that you could make use of to ensure that your fitness programs remain fun and safe. The material posted on this page is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage common sports injuries enrol in a first aid course in your area.
Wound Care
One of the most common misconceptions that people have about fitness first aid strategies is that you need to allow the wound to dry overnight so that you can get rid of the scab. This is not advisable as it results in slow healing of the wounds. What’s more, it increases the probability of scar tissue. To do this effectively, apply pressure directly on the wound to reduce the bleeding. This will take a couple of minutes, and when the bleeding stops, make sure the wound is cleaned using soap and warm water. Use an ointment before covering the wound using dressing. Dressing is preferred to adhesive bandage as it prevents water and air from coming into contact with the wound site. If the cut is extreme, you could do with a few stitches.
Managing Sprains

Sprains are a common injury for users who are keen on keeping fit, and this calls for the simple knowledge of fitness first aid strategies. The common occurrence of sprains keeps many an athlete out of competitions, and for good reason. Take a few days off your daily fitness routine to ensure that the sprain eases away. What makes this even trickier is the fact that it is impossible to tell the extent of sprain damage just by looking at the affected joint. If the pain does not subside even after basic first aid techniques, make sure that you see a doctor.
Don’t Get a Sunburn
Go easy working out in the sun because as much as this provides you with warmth, it also predisposes you to getting sunburns. One of the most effective and time-tested fitness first aid strategies involves the use of sunscreen. Sunscreen protects the skin against harmful UV radiation. If you already have sunburns, avoid using aloe and other creams as they only serve to insulate the skin, thus causing heat to build up. As an alternative, use a damp towel or an icepack wrapped in light clothing. This provides instant relief. With burnt skin, consult a doctor before using any creams or ointments topically. This will avoid reactions especially because many ointments may contain compounds that are not meant to be used continuously.
Shin Splints
Shin splints are yet another class of injuries that require you to employ fitness first aid strategies. If you feel the pain, make sure that you have it checked. If pain is persistent throughout the shin, check that you provide first aid by resting and applying an ice pack on the affected area. You should also make sure that you reduce the amount of workouts to allow recovery of the affected shins. In addition to this, ensure that you work out on soft ground and use appropriate sporting gear. Head injuries constitute another class of injuries that should not be ignored. If possible, get company to help you especially if you start having blurred vision, migraines and swellings. These are time-tested strategies that should work for you when keeping fit.