Overview Of Measles
- Measles is an extremely transmittable viral illness that can be very unpleasant and can sometimes lead to severe problems.
The primary symptoms of measles progress around 10 days after you are infected. These can consist of:
- Flu type symptoms;
Measles is an extremely transmittable viral illness that can be very nasty and can sometimes lead to severe problems. - Eye might be red and sensitive;
- High fever; and
- White spots surrounding the throat and mouth.
When To Visit Your Doctor
- You should phone your doctor if you think that you might have measles.
- It’s best to call before you actually visit as your doctor might need to make preparations to decrease the risk of transmitting the virus to others.
- Your doctor will generally be able to detect measles from the mixture of symptoms, though a sample of your spit might be tested to check the diagnosis.
The Spreading Of Measles
- The measles virus is confined in the small drops that come out of the mouth and nose when an infected individual sneezes or coughs.
- You can quickly get measles by inhaling these drops.
- The measles virus can live on various surfaces for many hours.
- When the virus is inside the body, the virus reproduces in the back of your throat and lungs before going to other parts of the body.
- Persons with measles are contagious from when the time the initial symptoms develop.
- So, work or school must be avoided for at least 5 days from the moment the first rash develops in order to reduce spreading the virus.
How To Treat Measles
There’s no precise cure for treating measles, but your immune system should combat the virus within 10 days.
There are a number of things you can do to assist your recovery, including:
- Closing all curtains to decrease any sensitivity to the light.
- By using moist cotton wool to rinse the eyes.
- By taking ibuprofen or paracetamol to alleviate high fever, headaches and pains (don’t offer aspirin to anyone below the age of 16 years).
- Drinking lots of water to keep hydrated.