Treating Stomach Cramps and Pain

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Overview Of Stomach Cramps

  • A stomach ache generally refers to spasms or a dull ache in the stomach (abdomen). It is generally short lived and caused by a slight upset or virus.
  • Severe stomach pain is a bigger cause for worry.
  • If it starts quickly and without warning, it should be considered a medical emergency, particularly if the pain is focused in a specific area, such as the right side of your stomach (this might be your Appendicitis)
  • Phone your doctor as soon as possible or visit your nearby hospital.

Stomach Pain From Trapped Wind

A stomach ache generally refers to spasms or a dull ache in the stomach (abdomen). It is generally short lived and caused by a slight upset or virus.
A stomach ache generally refers to spasms or a dull ache in the stomach (abdomen). It is generally short lived and caused by a slight upset or virus.
  • Stomach cramps are usually because of confined wind and swelling.
  • This is a very common issue that can be uncomfortable but is easily dealt with – your GP will be able to suggest something to relieve the wind.

Unexpected Stomach Pain With Diarrhea

  • Severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea that make you feel very sick (for instance, causing wariness or a fever) could be due to a more severe infection, such as food poisoning. This also generally gets better on its own without having to resort to treatment.
  • If your abdominal cramps and diarrhea carry on, you might have a long standing illness, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Unexpected, Serious Stomach Pain

  • If you have unexpected, unbearable pain in a specific area of your stomach, phone your doctor straightaway or go to a nearby hospital.
  • It might be a sign of a severe infection that will quickly get worse without treatment.

Guidelines For A Healthy Stomach

  • Eat healthily and frequently.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can deteriorate the muscle that manages the esophagus, causing indigestion and acid re-flux.
  • Lose surplus weight and workout regularly. If you are overweight, your stomach fat places weight on your belly and can cause indigestion.

Related Video On Stomach Cramps 

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